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Traveler II origin - what and who belongs
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Morella Faya wood split and used for half of Traveler II's body
Acacia driftwood split and used for the other half of Traveler II's body
life vest w/blocks of light exotic wood
added to the trunk to keep it afloat
Azores, 2023

Traveler II genealogy:
Much like a person's family tree, the origin of this traveler is complex even knowing only one side of the family:

[...] Morella faya is a native species of the Azorean islands, Madeira Island and Canaries. Morella faya is possibly native of the western coastal Portuguese mainland but it may be the result of an ancient naturalization from plants introduced from the Azores or Madeira. [...] This species was introduced by humans in Florida, New Zealand and Australia. In Hawaii, where it was introduced by Portuguese immigrants at the end of the 19th century, it is now considered an invasive species. [...] At the Azores, this species is known by the local names of faia, faia-da-terra, faia-da-ilhas and samouco. Seed dispersal by Azorean blackbird and Azorean wood pigeon and spreading by rain are present.

Extracts from biologist Maria João Trota's description of wood from San Miguel used in the Travelers.    Download pdf

As newcomers ourselves we are intrigued to explore further when and what makes something or
somebody endemic or native to a place.